A Chinese company has taken a new approach in punishing its employees who go to the bathroom more than once a day, as the Anbu Science and Technology Corporation, which is headquartered in Guangdong Province, decided to set a new policy requiring not to use the bathroom more than once a day, And impose a fine of 20 yuan, the equivalent of $ 3, for employees who violate this rule.
The company’s new decisions were leaked on social media by a group of employees angry at the idea, as at least seven employees were punished on December 20 and 21, but company officials justified the bizarre management decision, that many lazy employees pretended to go to the bathroom to smoke and evade Their job duties, according to the “Audity Central” website.
The company director said: “The management spoke with employees several times to discourage them from wasting time, but they continued to waste time going to the bathroom several times a day,” adding: “The law imposed by the company is better than dismissing employees from their work, because finding For new employees it is more difficult. Violators are not required to pay their fines immediately, but the amount is deducted from their monthly salaries. “
According to the company’s policy, workers who want to have more than one toilet break every day must register their names with their boss before visiting the bathroom, which angered Chinese netizens even more, and after the protests intensified, the Dongguan Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau opened An investigation into the matter.